1. What is the psychological treatment?

The treatment of mental wounds + The treatment of psychology * The happiness ability & Preventative methods

Many people talk about psychological treatments.
They talk about healing, treatment, therapy, etc. They say that all of them can treat psychology.

However, psychological treatment should include 1) mental wounds treatment2) psychology treatment in psychological disorders3) the happiness ability to prevent wounds and psychological disorders. Psychological treatment is integrating all three factors mentioned above.

KIP online treatment training (I, II, III types) is developed based on the mechanisms of how the mind treats psychological disorders. KIP online treatment training is the best psychological treatment that integrates the mechanisms of wound treatmentthe mechanisms of psychological treatmentthe mechanisms of happiness ability and prevention.

Also, do you know the truths about Mind training at online treatment training?

The fundamentals of treatment education are 1) mind education, 2) treatment assignments, 3)participation in forums (forum videos), 4) treatment follow-up, and it is integrated with wound treatment, psychological treatment, the happiness ability, prevention, which helps to form within oneself. Thus, it is a process of self-treatment. Without training, it is impossible to heal mental wounds and psychology.

At this point, there is no one who precisely knows about Mind training yet.

Mind training is the education that teaches the principles of the human mind and psychology.

Think of it as you were trying to walk down the road relying on only taste and smell sensations. Do you think you will be able to walk straight when there is delicious food around the corner?

You may have to face bumps, cracks, and obstacles along the road of life. However, you are walking down the road without hearing or seeing, so you wouldn’t know how the road actually looks like. Would you continue to walk believing that you are right? Also, do you think other people will help you instead?

One has to live life by oneself and nobody can be involved. Also, one should make decisions by oneself in life. Thus, you wouldn’t hear or see anything if you don’t pay attention to surroundings.

Mind training is the education for opening your eyes and ears so that you can walk down the road of life by yourselfEducation is to facilitate people experiencing the road of life by themselves and to find their own way. Therefore, Mind training is not just a spoon-feeding education with knowledge. It helps you to understand the mechanisms and to decide for yourself.

You just didn’t know about the mechanism of how the mind worksSome people were lucky enough to live a life without obstacles, but some people face challenges to overcome the obstacles. No doubt people lived this way because the people were deaf and blind.  

At this moment, you should open your ears and eyes while you are walking on the road of life. It will help you to walk happily in the right direction. Mind training will help you to do this. Naturally, you will find a way to walk on the road of a happy life once you realize that you are on the road with obstacles.

How long would you live with confidence that it is the right direction and having your ears and eyes shut?

No one will help you to find the right way in life when you go through difficult times. It is because all humans were to find their own way of life.

Likewise, you should understand how important Mind training is.

Mind training is not for advising, coaching, counseling, sharing religions, etc.

Mind training is the education to guide people to find their own way to live a happy life with their eyes and ears open. It is the education to find your own happiness.

In Mind training, the main point is how fast you can acquire the material. You can create new habits by applying what you have learned in Mind training. It will be a way to build preventative methods.

The choice is yours.


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