11. Do not take counseling to treat psychological disorders and wounds.

Many of you have experience of taking psychological counseling.

- Taking advice from family, acquaintance, friends, etc.
- Taking counseling without charge
- Taking advice for problems of spouse's infidelity online
- Taking counseling from various online homepages or blogs
- Taking counseling for the treatment of psychological disorders and wounds at a counselor's office
- Taking advice for the treatment of psychological disorders and wounds in religious ways
- Taking advice through e-mails or on phone
- Taking advice that makes you be confident or tell you to attack your counterparty

Besides these mentions above, you have done looking and searching for information and various kinds of advice and counseling.

All of these are psychological counseling. Counseling can be done anywhere. Taking advice, searching for information, looking for treatment methods for psychological disorders and wounds, etc. are all considered to be psychological counseling.

The reason why Korea Institute of Psycho-education (KIP) tells you to not take psychological counseling is that counseling cannot treat psychological disorders and wounds but causes addiction. Those who have been suffering from psychological disorders and wounds start having self-rationalization through counseling and end up having addiction. You don't want this happen to you, do you?

If you knew the principles of wound treatment, you wouldn't have taken psychological counseling. 
The core of wound treatment is understanding and interest.

At this point, interest without understanding (building rapport) is the cause that makes psychological disorders worse. So, taking counseling or advice from a person trying to build rapport must be avoided; but the problem is that no one knows about this.

Also, the best understanding of wound treatment is to interpret the principles and mechanisms of how the wounds in the mind operate.

In order to know the principles of how wounds in the mind operate, the principles of how the human mind of a man and that of a woman operate must be understood. But how many of you do you think you know these principles?

Here are a few of the Theory of Mimind for example.
Refer to below if you want to check how much you know about the mechanisms and principles.

- The human mind and psychology are different.
- The human mind and psychology operate differently.
- Psychological problems and psychological disorders are different.
- The mind generates emotions, recognizes through the conscious and operates psychology.
- Males and females remember emotions differently.
- Males and females pursue happiness differently.
- The mind of a male and that of a female are different.
- Males and females get themselves immersed in things differently.
- Male's love and female's love are different.
- Emotions are not shifted to others.

Try to see how many of the things mentioned above you know. Also, see if counselors and advisors around you know about these. 
Well, of course, they might say that they already know these things. Yes, they know some things are different but do not know what are different, how and why they are different. That means they don't know the principles and mechanisms of the mind and psychology.

What would happen if they keep practicing counseling and advising without understanding how the mind and psychology operate?

We have read and watched many articles and videos by other counselors, experts, celebrities, scholars, religious people, etc., but none of them knew about how the mind and psychology operate. Imagine what would happen if they keep providing counseling.

If you get counseling from those who do not know how the mind and psychology operate, you could be away from your psychological disorders and wounds but will face more serious situation due to the occurrence of a more serious psychological disorder. The reality is that people getting counseling actually end up having addictions instead of getting away from psychological pain.

Therefore, We, KIP, firmly tell you to not take counseling. Do not even think about taking counseling. Counseling does not treat psychological disorders and wounds but only causes more serious psychological disorders through self-rationalization.

KIP knows well about the harmful and reverse effects of counseling more than anyone; thus, we had no other choice than developing treatment training methods. As we completed the development of Online Treatment Training, we stopped providing psychological counseling.

If you want to treat your psychological disorders and wounds and live happily, take Online Treatment Training instead of counseling. Do not waste your time, money, and effort for counseling that is useless. The more you hesitate, the worse your psychological disorder would become.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

4. It's time to change paradigm of treatment of wounds and psychology.

1. Some of you might think writing articles like this is easy.

5. The era of counseling for psychological treatment is over.