15. Online communities of those wanting wound treatment and psychological treatment are very dangerous.

[The purpose of writing this is to let you know some common points that online communities where people gather for psychological treatment have. It is because we have seen so many people visiting KIP for Online Treatment Training live unhappily due to worsened psychology by sharing their stories and taking advice/counseling from others through online communities.]

There are numerous online communities of people wanting wound treatment and psychological treatment on many websites and through social media.

Most of these communities were created by those who want to share their stories, console each other, and overcome (or treat) psychological problems and wounds. The purpose of creating communities like these is good because people can be encouraged to resolve their psychological problems or treat their psychological wounds by help and consolation from others.

Women suffering from various psychological problems and disorders
Men suffering from various psychological problems and disorders

What these people have in common is that they are all suffering from psychological problems and disorders generated by wounds. So, they gather together, console and encourage each other, trying to overcome the pain and difficulties.

However, if you look into these communities deeply, a number of serious problems can be found. What's more serious it that those who are in charge or manage these communities do not know about this. Lots of people are sharing their wounds and consoling each other.

1. You might think men suffering from psychological problems and wounds and women suffering from psychological problems have similar wounds and pain, but the root of wounds and pain is different for men and women.

Men's psychological problems and wounds occur as their stress maintains whereas women's psychological problems and wounds occur as their negative emotions maintain. The basis of wounds and pain is different, but many people think it is the same.

2. Men and women with different psychological wounds and pain encourage and console each other; this generates very serious problems. Psychologically wounded people generate each other bigger wounds by encouragement and consolation.

Women suffering from psychological problems and wounds desperately want consolation. If a psychologically wounded woman meets a man who understands and consoles her, recognizes her values, encourages her charms, she opens her mind and tells him everything about herself including her marriage, sexual life, and other details about her. She relies upon him unknowingly, gets consoled, and feels thankful, comfortable, and happy.

Then, of course, she will be happy every day. She feels as if her wounds have been treated and thinks as if she has overcome her psychological problems. Without knowing that her wounds are not properly treated, she mistakes good feelings that she gets from her counterparty as happiness. By mistaking happiness, problems become worse; if these problems last, she will end up having a psychological disorder. She will have an addiction that leads her to an unhappy life.

If she gets consoled by a married man, she might mistake his consolation as love and become a stray woman (a woman having an affair with a married man).

A man suffering from psychological problems and wounds tries to relieve his stress, which is the man's mind. When it comes to the matter of sex, there is man's xesmind that makes a man feels women attractive; when he talks with psychologically a wounded woman, his sexual impulse is at work unknowingly, making him empathize with and understand her by consolation and encouragement. He perceives her as an object to have sex with, making his sexual impulse more active.

As he sees his counterparty relying on him and feeling happy, he perceives that he loves the woman because of his sexual impulse rather than difficulties generated by his psychological problems and wounds. He mistakes his passion and ends up having a psychological disorder. This is how he gets an addiction that leads him to an unhappy life.

He might pursue sex with the woman and get addicted to fun. He might mistake his passion as love and become a stray man (a man having an affair with a married woman).

If a woman's mind moves toward another man, the woman will have the dissociation of wounds by operations of consolation without understanding; the man will have the sexual impulse. So, their psychological problems become worse. However, they think they are getting consolations. The more you get consolations from others without understanding, the more difficult the wound treatment will be. Recovery of human relationships will be impossible; you might end up living an unhappy life, which is a very serious problem.

This is reality. Everything mentioned above actually happens. Due to this, problems and conflicts in human relationships become more serious; many people live in pain caused by psychological wounds. They think they are getting consolations and in loving each other, saying that they can simply change their counterparties depending on their needs. They only meet others suffering from psychological wounds and problems because they don't recognize that they also have psychological disorders.                                                                                                                

Thus, psychologically wounded women and men must shut themselves out from others; you should know that the basis of women's wounds and that of men's wounds are different.

3. Advice and consolation have gone too far beyond the dangerous level and destroy people's lives.

Some empathize with each other, express their anger, console each other's wounds, or give advice saying that think the right way, divorce, consider the husband as a moneymaker, or be confident and have fun with your life. Besides these, some others express very aggressive or offensive words that could destroy a person's life. They say all of these are for you.

If someone empathizes with you, you get consoled by that person; thus, you become reliant on your counselor and feel difficulty in your daily life without your counselor's advice. In the end, counseling just becomes consolation. Your money, time, and effort are wasted for consolation; you are more likely to have an addiction that destroys your life. This is why we tell you to not have psychological counseling if you want to treat your psychological wounds.

There is another method called 'cursing therapy,' which means that you can feel psychologically stable by spitting out violent languages. You feel better and unburdened after spitting out violent languages, but cursing therapy is very aggressive and destroys the positive and good mind. You feel better and consoled by cursing therapy, but you also need to consider the serious side effect because it might change your personality very aggressive and extreme.

Telling someone to avoid difficulties generated by conjugal problems and decide to divorce is not consolation. It is a very irresponsible saying; it is just destroying that person's life. If you get consolation like this from the same sex, just notice that that person might be trying to get vicarious satisfaction through your divorce because she/he wasn't able to divorce. Also, if the one telling you to divorce is the opposite sex, that person is most likely to try to have some sort of relationship with you.

Telling someone to recover confidence and have fun with his/her life is the same as telling that person to seek fun, which leads to the destruction of human relationships. This is the same as telling the person to get addicted to something, become hysterical with dissociation of wounds. People saying these things say, ' you live only once,' just have fun if it makes you happy,' 'be open-minded,' 'this is a cool way to live.' This kind of advice and counseling is absolutely nonsense and insane.

If there is actually someone whose life has been destroyed by this nonsense advice and counseling, then who's responsible for that?

If situations like these occur, not the ones who have thrown advice and counseling and consoled but the ones who end up having problems become responsible for everything. They have rationalized themselves for their downfall. Their judgment ability and self-esteem are destroyed; they do not even notice what they are doing. They tell others that they have always been victims while harming others.

Thus, you must be aware of that counseling or advice that consoles you is very dangerous in treating your wounds and resolving psychological problems.

4. People joined in online communities go through a process that starts with exchanging words that encourage and console each other online, contacting personally, and then meeting in person.

People do not know that they go through this process because their wounds are not treated and are blinded by consolation. That is to say, they created communities to console each other and overcome difficulties in reality but actually make wounds greater and each other suffers from repeated wounds. However, managers of communities do not recognize these problems. Rather, these managers might rope in the members of the communities for their good, which is more serious.

5. These online communities have become places for counselors to perform clinical tests. Distorted counseling is actively being done.

It is very difficult to treat wounds with counseling. Online Treatment Training is the only answer to the problems of wound treatment because it forms the ability of self-treatment. It is difficult to treat psychology with counseling as well.

So, those saying that they have studied psychology and calling themselves counselors actually generate very serious problems.

Psychological counseling makes you mistake a comfortable feeling as if your problems are resolved, but what really resolves psychological problems and treats wounds is not a comfortable feeling but happiness. You can say your treatment has been done only when you become able to live confidently as you keep happiness without having another psychological disorder.

Learning a few books and counseling techniques, those who call themselves counselors say that they can resolve others' psychological problems with their wounds and distorted knowledge; this is very nonsense.

However, so many people think this as psychological counseling and rely on their counselors.

Nothing comes to you without charge. What's more serious especially is that those who call themselves counselors and offering free counseling are mostly men with psychological disorders.  These men cannot relieve and resolve their stress and do not know women's minds, but they actively try to resolve women's problems, to analyze these women's personal information, and to contact them by giving consolation and advice. They take their time and effort to meet these women. What do you think these men want for? Why do think they try to give advice and counseling to others?

Counselors, or those who call themselves counselors, say that they need to console and empathize with psychologically wounded people. Whatever information they are provided from their clients, they apply the information to psychological theories that they have learned and try to prove that they are the best.

They are just using counseling to meet women and enjoying their time with these women so easily, but no one recognizes these problems and takes these as serious matters. They are praised for what they do because they provide counseling or advice without charge and take time to help these women even though they have not resolved any psychological problems but caused more serious psychological disorders.

Besides these, there are many more serious problems generated by counseling.

- Consolation does not treat but expands wounds; this results in addiction to activities in online communities.

- Problems of the formation of distorted concepts on sex

- No information for resolving problems is found.

- They have closed thoughts, not trust others, and think what they say is the only right thing.

If you see an online community where men and women share information, console and encourage each other, and contact each other, you must know that this community is very problematic. Sharing information and exchanging consolations and encouragements are dangerous.

Also, you must be aware that you can rarely find information that might be helpful for resolving infidelity problems. Do not expect anything from these online communities.

Treatment of wounds and psychology and formation of the ability of happiness can never be done without Online Treatment Training.


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4. It's time to change paradigm of treatment of wounds and psychology.

1. Some of you might think writing articles like this is easy.

5. The era of counseling for psychological treatment is over.