16. Advice for those wanting wound and psychological treatment

Here is advice for those wanting wound and psychological treatment.

We are trying to provide the right information about wound treatment and psychological treatment because we are confident with our treatment methods.  However, you must be clear that information provided is not the treatment method.

Because you need to find a suitable method only for you to treat your wounds and psychology, none of the information provided can help your treatment. Do not expect you can treat your wounds and psychology by the information you search for.

Many people say that Online Treatment Training is the very last option they choose when trying to treat their psychology and wounds. It is because the majority of them visit us for Online Treatment Training with their last hope after wasting their money, time, and effort on other treatment methods.

They waste lots of money (millions of wons on average) for various methods to treat their wounds and psychology. Some waste more than that, but their wounds and psychology remain untreated and become worse even though they spend this big amount of money, time, and effort.

- Case in which taking counseling and advice from close people and doing as they say
- Case in which taking consolation by shopping, doing hobbies, exercising
- Case in which making efforts by oneself by either learning to counsel or searching for information about counseling
- Case in which recovering confidence by taking various kinds of surgeries
- Case in which trying to treat wounds with counseling from ill-prepared experts (counselors) such as psychiatric counseling, psychological counseling, conjugal counseling, counseling for sexual problems, etc.
- Case in which taking consolation by drinking alcohol, from others (acquaintances), or by having either verbal or physical fights
- Case in which being consoled by sharing one's story with others in online communities related to psychology
- Case in which endlessly having arguments or fights due to conflicts in human relationships
- Case in which holding anger due to the thought that it's all one's fault
- Case in which either giving up resolving problems or choosing a divorce due to the thought that there is no other way
- Case in which not considering others at all but only caring for oneself only and not interfering among others in even the family
- Case in which living a life saying that 'enjoying my life is the best'
- Case in which enjoying one's life by traveling alone or having an affair
- Case in which taking consolation from others and enjoying having sex with them

Besides these mentioned above, people waste lots of their time, money, and efforts in various ways. All of these are not the method that can resolve psychological problems but the cause of an unhappy life, making people blame others.

Here is some advice we would like to provide if you are suffering from difficulties due to psychological wounds and disorders. If you really want to treat your psychology and wounds and live happily, please follow the below.

* The basic principles of wound and psychology treatment
[The below must be followed until wounds and psychology are treated.]

1) Do not meet your friends or acquaintances as much as you can.
2) Do not tell your wounds to others.
3) Do not share your wounds with others in online communities
4) Do not blame yourself.
5) Do not search for psychological or counseling related information. Do not read anything related to psychology or counseling.
6) Have hope and will that you will live happily.
7) It is better to take some medications if you feel so painful.
8) No violence both verbally and physically.
9) Do not waste your money on useless things.

If you keep these mentioned above as you take Online Treatment Training, you will, for sure, be able to resolve your problems and live happily.

Without Online Treatment Training, treatment of wounds and psychology and the formation of the ability of happiness are very difficult.

Even if you feel comfortable and happy by taking other treatment methods besides Online Treatment Training, it is only a temporary effect. Your wounds will operate again; your psychology will be worse.

If your wounds still remain untreated even though you have made much effort, discard the treatment methods you have been doing and take Online Treatment Training along with following the advice mentioned above. Then your wounds and psychology will be treated fast.


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4. It's time to change paradigm of treatment of wounds and psychology.

1. Some of you might think writing articles like this is easy.

5. The era of counseling for psychological treatment is over.